
Dental Clinic Expert

What Stages Does Implant Dental Treatment Consist of?

Implant teeth are artificial tooth roots made similar to natural teeth applied to patients with missing teeth. Today, implant dental treatment offers a great solution in terms of aesthetics and functionality for many patients experiencing tooth loss.

The implant treatment method is based on the principle of placing the dental implant on the jawbone and attaching a porcelain dental prosthesis on it. So, “What is an implant tooth?” and “In Which Stages Does Implant Dental Treatment Take Place?” Here are all the curious details.

What is an Implant Teeth?

Implant teeth can be defined as artificial tooth roots that replace lost teeth. Implant dental treatment is a treatment method performed using dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots placed in place of missing teeth.

Implants, usually made of biocompatible materials such as titanium, are placed in the jawbone through a surgical procedure. In this process, implants form a strong foundation by combining with the jawbone, like natural tooth roots. After the implants are placed, dental prostheses (porcelain veneers or crowns) are attached to them to obtain an aesthetic and functional dental appearance.

As Dental Clinic Expert, we offer a series of carefully designed advantages to maximize the health tourism experiences of our valued patients coming from abroad. Among the facilities we offer:

1. Welcome and Send-Off Services at the Airport: The comfort of our patients coming from abroad is important to us. For this reason, we ensure that they start their journey with a warm welcome at the airport and send them off when they leave. This way, we ensure that our patient guests feel safe and supported throughout their travels.

2. Services During Treatment: We prioritize your comfort and convenience throughout your treatment process. Our expert team offers services specifically designed for the needs of our patients. This will help you go through your treatment process calmly and smoothly.

3. Free Accommodation Advantages (in Implant Applications): We are happy to offer free accommodation advantages specifically to our patients in implant applications. In this way, we support you in completing your recovery process in the best possible way by providing a comfortable accommodation after your treatment. A quality accommodation experience makes it easier for you to focus on your health.

With these services, we, as Dental Clinic Expert, ensure that our guests have a reliable and comfortable experience in dental aesthetics and implant applications with the health tourism advantages we offer. You can also contact us to meet your needs regarding health tourism and discover your healthy smile.

Stages of Implant Dental Treatment

Implant dental treatment generally consists of the following stages. These stages are completed successfully with the cooperation between the patient and the implant dentist. Here are the basic stages of implant dental treatment:

Evaluation and Planning: The first stage is to have a consultation with a dentist or dental implant specialist for dental implant treatment. At this stage, the patient’s mouth and dental structure are scanned using imaging techniques such as panoramic x-ray and computed tomography (CT).

After this scan, the suitability of the area where the implants will be placed, bone density and general oral health are evaluated and a treatment plan is made. The treatment plan includes details about the number, location and treatment process of the implants.

Implant Placement: The second stage is the placement of the implants in the jawbone. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. The gums are opened and the implants are placed in appropriate positions. Implants are usually made of titanium and are surgically secured to the jawbone with screws or other techniques. After the procedure, the implants undergo a healing process for several months to integrate with the jawbone.

Healing Process: After the implants are placed, a period of time is waited for them to integrate with the jawbone. This period is important for the implants to bond strongly to the bone and usually varies between 3 and 6 months. During this period, temporary dental prostheses or temporary bridges can be used.

Prosthesis Application: After the implants heal, prosthetics or artificial teeth are placed on the implants. This is achieved by fixing specially designed crowns or bridges over the implants. Dentures are permanent teeth that can look and function like natural teeth. The suitability of the dentures, tooth color and shape are determined depending on the patient’s preferences and mouth structure.

Follow-up and Maintenance: After implant dental treatment is completed, it is important to pay attention to regular check-ups and good oral hygiene. It is very important to go for follow-up checks at the periods determined by your dentist and to do regular tooth brushing, flossing and cleaning of your teeth for a longer life of your implants.

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